Do you know you can restore your life and connect like a boss? The fact that so many network marketers join different marketing companies for reasons such as creating extra income, becoming debt-free, extra vacations, time with family, college funds for kids and etc. The one thing I find to be amazing is that we all have the same struggles in the beginning of the journey and that’s dealing with the issues of real-life and finding structure.
It’s not a get-rich-quick process there is a time frame in creating success.
An amazing industry leader said, “marry the process and divorce the outcome” Keysha Bass.
Powerful! Right?
I know your thinking because I was to when I first heard it. Then it hit me. You have to literally fall in love with putting in work to serve others, developing your mindset and just going that extra mile to make the process work. So what if you get a no or a maybe don’t worry it’s a part of the process don’t let it stop you.
What you will need to connect like a boss is to develop your lead magnets also known a funnel. How would you know who’s looking at the content you put out if they have no way to reach out to you. I find that when people fill out forms and give you their personal information that’s a personal invitation saying I want information.
Follow up with your contacts and keep up with them via email or text messages from your CRM. Connect with them on social media. In the age of technology, we all know that people respond better in the form of technology because its quick and simple.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, build a relationship, build trust and solve a problem. Do not just pitch your opportunity it is tacky.
Remember to add value and give out free information. Your mission is to serve because they can’t grow if they don’t know.
If you are struggling in your business and just need a little more “hot sauce” to turn up the heat click on your favorite.