What season are you in?
What level of leadership are you in? Becoming a professional it’s a must that your respect the process of levels. We all want to be at the TOP!! But there is a process to your level of greatness. You may very well be the best in that one thing that you have mastered for years. For example a Licensed Stylist of 20 plus years can’t teach a Registered Nurse his/her profession. Right? However, when transitioning into a new level of success you have to be coached and mentored into that very thing you’re trying to become.
It’s seasons to everything that you do even in leadership. Every successful entrepreneur went through these very steps of leadership and if they are successful they will simply say “I had to respect the process.”
~A1 Breakthrough Watching, information seeking, Searching a mentor, preparing for the journey, (the role your trying to step into)
~A2 Way stage Personal Development seeking out your plan, absorption, mindset shifting
~B1 Threshold Producing, describing experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
~B2 Vantage Relational Favor, Being connected, Plugged In, Relational Leverage
~C1 Effective Operational (Lower Advanced) producing clear, well-structured, detailed complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational structures, connectors and cohesive devices (using your tools)
~C2 Mastery (Advanced) LEADING THE MASSES
What level are you?
You can’t grow until you respect where you are, you have to pass each level of leadership. Own it and grow…SEE YOU AT THE TOP!!! You won’t stay at the bottom long.