Women Without Fears is a Non-For Profit Organization and we have partnered with H.U.G.S (Helping Unite Grieving Sisters) and P. Gallery Designs. We are having our first “5KVirtualSprint”! This event is virtual. You can join in and run at your own pace. We understand that the weather is changing and we want to make it fun for all. So rather you run on a treadmill in your home, on a track or around your neighborhood, your support is needed. The proceeds will be used to for mothers who are grieving from the lost of a child.
If you know any mothers that have lost a child please click the link below.
T-shirts will be mailed to the address giving at registration.
Women Without Fears Organization wants to thank you for your support!!
Registrations Opens November 30, 2021 @12:01 a.m